Who Can Have Implant Treatment?
2023 12 10
1) 0-6 years: The period of milk teeth:
Although milk teeth can be variable, they often start to erupt in the lower anterior region after an average of 6 months and are completed at approximately 3 years of age, although they can change. During this period, a total of 20 deciduous teeth (10 in the lower and 10 in the upper jaw) are placed symmetrically.
2) 6-12 years: Mixed dentition period:
It is the age range in which both milk molars and incisors are seen in the mouth at the same time. Over time, the milk molars leave their places to the premolars, and they pass into the permanent dentition period.
3) 12 years and older: Permanent dentition:
This period is the period when the primary teeth completely fall off and permanent teeth take their place in the mouth and the balance and contacts between the teeth are formed.
Your child's first teeth are called milk teeth. These teeth are very important as they allow the child to chew and help develop their speech. Milk teeth also serve to protect the permanent teeth that will come under them. Protecting the health of milk teeth prevents the need for orthodontic treatments in the future. Most importantly, a beautiful and healthy smile plays a role in the development of your child's self-confidence. If the problems in milk teeth are not treated, it can cause great problems.
Bottle Caries
A common problem in babies and young children is bottle cavities. These cavities are formed by prolonged contact with the teeth of sugar and sweets in milk, food, fruit juices. The child who falls asleep with sugary liquids during sleep is at risk. Because saliva increases during sleep and spreads sugar to the whole mouth. The teeth are affected as a result of the caries-causing bacteria using this sugar and producing acid. Your child's teeth should be checked regularly and brown spots, which are signs of caries, should be followed.
Regular brushing should be started immediately after the first tooth erupts. However, it is best to wipe the mouth regularly with a gauze pad, even before the teeth erupt. The simplest way to prevent bottle cavities is to prevent the child from sleeping with a bottle and a sweet-soaked pacifier.
Thumb sucking is generally a harmless habit in children under the age of 5, but if it continues after the age of 6 when the first permanent teeth erupt, it creates a problem. Until the age of 8, the jawbone is very soft and flexible. The pressure made by the finger during thumb sucking affects the development of the sensitive jaw, pushing the front teeth forward while pulling the lower teeth backward. If the child cannot give up this habit, you can set up a reward and punishment system in the first place. You can reward the days when he does not suck his finger and punish him when he does. If the problem cannot be resolved in this way, consult your dentist. An appliance made by your dentist will cut this bad habit in a child in a few days.
Local Flour Application
Flour should be applied to reduce the incidence of dental caries in children. Flour makes the enamel layer of the tooth in which it enters extremely sensitive to the formation of caries.
With the Fluor substance added to drinking water abroad, tooth decay in children has been prevented.
The teeth that carry the highest risk of decay in children are the six-year-old teeth. It can also be applied to small molars if deemed necessary.
Fluoride is an element that prevents tooth decay and strengthens the structure of teeth. Fluoride is found in toothpastes as well as in some nutrients. However, because children often neglect to brush their teeth, they do not get enough fluoride for their teeth to gain resistance against caries. To compensate for this situation, topical fluoride applications are made.
Topical fluoride application is a method that can only be applied by dentists. Topical fluoride application is especially applied to children whose teeth are prone to decay. In this way, sufficient amount of fluoride is deposited on the teeth and the structure of the teeth is strengthened, making them resistant to caries.
Topical fluoride application can only be effective if done every 6 months. For this, your children should go to the dentist regularly every 6 months.
Fissure Sealers
Fissure sealants are a form of preventive treatment that aims to protect the tooth against caries before it develops. Studies show that 90% of caries develop on the chewing surfaces of molars. In the first months of their appearance in the mouth, the molars have not yet been fully calcified (hardened) and are prone to caries.
With fissure sealants, the recesses and protrusions on the chewing surfaces of these teeth are filled, and the risk of food accumulation and therefore the development of caries can be prevented to a great extent. These treatments are considered very necessary, especially in individuals with familial predisposition to caries.
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2023 12 10
2023 05 10